Last Kiss
It has taken me 5 months to finally put a fav memory on my bubba's web site...Since there
is not enough web space on the entire World Wide Web to add all my favourite memorys , i will just put down the one that sticks
in my mind always and of course means the most to me...
Prior to Damien being admitted we had been teaching him to give kisses , as u can imagine
his timing and direction was still in need of tuning but he did his best and it usually ended up with a alot of dribbling
all over your face....His way of kissing at the time was a matter of him opening his mouth and throwning his face forward...which
usually ended up with him "kissing" your chin or cheek or nose , dribble and all....He was getting better at it before he
was admitted... But still needed some more practice...
While he was in hospital we always made the "MMMWAH" sound to him to which
he would purse up his lips and try to make the sound back smiles and all....he knew what it meant but the sound he made was
more of a "pop" than a "MMWAH"
i think it was the tuesday before he passed away that he was sittiin on my lap facing
me when i made the "MMWAH" sound to him...What he did next will stay with me an my dreams forever...he opened his mouth and
put his head forward
he ended up with my lips in his mouth it was then also that i realised that he had also grown
2 more teeth with his time in hospital...well he bit down hard ...Real hard....and when i looked at him he threw me a smile
like only the "Damo" could...
He knew he had finally landed one on the "Chops"... Well Kinda...And he only started
crying because he could see that i was........
I miss u Bubba