5th August
Well we have had at least one good week without
any setbacks and damien remained stable all thru that time.He had his chest drain, IV an central lines removed,his feeds
increased and he was waking up slowly and things were definitly improving until today....
After nearly 24hours of being off the ventilator
he started to get a bit tired and was having a little trouble breathing...So the best thing to do was to put him back onto
the ventilator...he will probably remain on that for a few days,and will also be sedated for that period of time he is on
it...We had a look at an x-ray of his little lungs and there has been a definite decrease in his lung function.This could
be due to the 'RSV' which would still be in his system,we arent sure yet but will find out in the next couple of days when
the tests come back.
Apart from that setback Damien was coming along just fine
and was just getting back to his usual tricks of giving the nurses greif and keeping them on there toes...
He still has the pacemaker attached and will probably
keep that for a while too,there has been no bleeding and although they have found a clot in his central vein they are confident
that they can treat that with medication...
Apart from all that i have locked my keys in the car so i must
go an call RACV so cya's