August 17th
Its been awhile since we've had a chance to do an update, a lot has benn
happening. Damien and Adrian have a new little brother. His name is Zakk James Franklin and he was born on July
6 at 12.31am. He was just as impatient as his two big brothers, coming 6 weeks early. He weighed in at 2.2kilos,
not a bad size for his age. He only had to stay in hospital for 3 weeks and has been doing really well since he's been
home. He's put on almost 500 grams and is getting quite porky.. he has a lovely double chin. He looks very much
like Adrian with light hair and blue eyes.
Adrian is slowly getting used to having another baby around. He's gone
from slapping Zakk's head to giving him little kisses which is so cute to see.
We often wonder what Damien would have thought of his new little brother
and how he would have been with him. We think of him a lot lately, not that we didn't before he's on our minds everyday,
but going through this time of year remembering everthing that was happening this time last year has stirred up so much emotion
and memories, some good some not so good..Part of me finds it hard to believe that in 5 weeks its his first angel anniversary.
The pain and anger of not understanding why we had to lose our little monkey hasn't lessened and I don't think it ever will.
He was truly an amazing boy and there will never be another like him.