

26 February 2007
I lay awake and think about you so much lately, I think
my auto pilot has switched off. As time has gone by and life has moved on you are still on my mind all the time.
There are so many things that remind me of you, so many things that make me miss you so much it hurts. There is a big
black hole in my heart that will never be filled, will never heal. So many things I wonder about. How different
would your brothers be if you were here to influence them, you were so peaceful and calm. Would that have rubbed off
on them? So many firsts we will miss out on, the joy we will never get to experience with you. The happy times
we have are always tinged with sadness because we can't share them with you. It's so hard when people ask how many children
I have. I always say 3. I will never stop including you. What would you have been like now if things were
different. You would have been almost 3, you would have been talking and running around, flashing that gorgeous grin
at everyone who looked your way. You would have been melting hearts. I see you in your brothers, Aidy has your
hair, those curls. Zakky has your happy nature, so quick with a smile. You will always be remembered. You
will always be missed. And most of all, you will always be loved.

