24th march 2008
Happy 4th Birthday little dude ...
we miss you so much ...
I wonder what u are doing on this special day of yours ... I hope you are watching over all
your little brothers and are having just as much fun as mum and dad are in trying to keep up with your little brothers ...
Cant help wondering what life would be like if u hadnt had to leave us . Just watching the way Zakk picks things up so quickly
by watching aidrian i cant help but imagine what aidy would be like if he had you here to look up to ... Even watching Aidy
with his tiny little brother Harris , makes me wonder also how things could have been different ... Aidy looks so much like
you now ...
I know you would have been speaking lots by now ( what would u have said)... and judging by
the way Aidy an Zakk are always constantly at my computer i can only imagine how you would have been ... and what games u
would have liked to play ...what foods and sweets would be your fav... what shows would u haved loved ( im gathering you would
still love the simpsons like we all do) what songs would you have danced around too ... would u have followed us around and
been mummy little helper and daddys best buddy ...
just wondering
Happy Birthday Boy